"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step – Lao Tzu."
I think that this quote is a perfect quote to live by. It is all about determination and looking at the big picture to see that all of the little things add up to become one big thing. Every Persons life is a journey.
There are so many different people that go through life not knowing how to get started doing something that you really want to do. The key to it is, you have to start somewhere.
You have to give to get, and if you give an effort to get something you want, chances are you will succeed. You dont necciarily have to do huge things to accomplish something that you really want, instead take little babysteps and before you know it. you will have gotten so much further then you even noticed.
Why would you want to miss out on all of the little things shooting for something big, when you could accomplish both? You could take every day one step at a time, and at the end of your life you will look back and realize you took millions of steps to get to where you were.
You could look back having enjoyed your life, instead of looking back and wishing that you would have gotten to do something.
Everything you do requires you to start somewhere whether its getting out of bed or winning an olypmic medal. With both situations you have to make some kind of effort to be able to get to the next step to achieve the main goal in the first place.
Over all, everything that you want to achieve needs to start somewhere, and little steps can add up.
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